Sunbed Pro


Projekt i wdrożenie strony ze sklepem internetowym


Sklep internetowy Sunbed Pro 

Przygotowałem i wdrożyłem wielojęzyczny sklep internetowy dla Sunbed Pro, prezentując ich nowoczesne leżaki szerokiemu gronu odbiorców na całym świecie. Moim zadaniem było stworzenie intuicyjnego środowiska zakupowego oraz podkreślenie innowacyjności produktów, co przyczyniło się do zwiększenia zasięgu i obecności firmy w środowisku online.


Zrealizowane cele projektu 

Prezentacja produktu
Stworzyłem stronę, która prezentuje nowoczesny produkt. Pokazuje innowacyjne funkcje leżaka, zapewniające, dotąd nieznane, doświadczenia podczas opalania.
Zaistnienie online
Strona internetowa ze sklepem skutecznie otworzyła firmie drzwi do świata biznesu online, umacniając jej obecność i zapewniając nowe możliwości rozwoju.
Zwiększenie zasięgu
Produkty i ich funkcje są zobrazowane graficznie w sposób czytelny i elegancki. Dzięki temu, że witryna jest wielojęzyczna, dociera poza granice kraju.

Środowisko zakupowe 

Strona opisuje i prezentuje nowoczesne leżaki, posiadające niespotykane dotąd funkcje. Produkty i ich funkcje są zobrazowane graficznie w sposób czytelny i elegancki. Dzięki temu, że witryna jest wielojęzyczna, dociera poza granice kraju. Do zwiększenia zasięgu strony przyczyniło się stworzenie intuicyjnego środowiska zakupowego oraz podkreślenie innowacyjności produktów.

Sprawdź również

Moje inne projekty 


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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any inquiries beyond what's covered here, don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Can you assist with website analytics and tracking?

Yes, I can integrate analytics tools into your website to track performance metrics, user behavior, and other valuable insights.

Can you migrate an existing website to a new platform or redesign it?

Yes, I can assist with website migrations to a new platform or redesign projects to refresh and modernize existing websites.

Do you offer maintenance plans for websites after they're completed?

Yes, I offer maintenance plans to ensure your website remains secure, up-to-date, and functioning optimally after it's completed.

Do you have experience with e-commerce platforms and online payment systems?

Yes, I have experience working with various e-commerce platforms and integrating online payment systems to enable secure transactions on websites.

Can you provide support for multiple languages or currencies of websites?

Yes, I can assist with implementing multilingual support or internationalization features on websites to cater to diverse audiences and markets.

Can you integrate third-party tools or software into my website?

Yes, I can integrate various third-party tools, plugins, or software into your website to enhance its functionality and features.

Do you offer training or tutorials on how to manage and update the website?

Yes, I provide training sessions or tutorials to clients on how to effectively manage and update their websites using the chosen content management system.

Do you conduct user interviews and persona development as part of the UI/UX design process?

Yes, I can design packaging for various products, considering factors such as branding, product visibility, and regulatory requirements.

Can you design graphics for both digital and print media?

Yes, I specialize in creating designs for both digital platforms, such as websites and social media, as well as print materials like brochures, flyers, and posters.

What are your payment terms and methods?

Payment terms and methods vary depending on the project. I typically require a deposit upfront with the remaining balance due upon completion.

Are you open to collaborate with developers, project managers, and others on the projects?

Absolutely! I believe collaboration is essential for successful UI/UX design projects, and I'm always open to working closely with developers, project managers, and other stakeholders to ensure project goals are met.

Can you assist with designing layouts for publications, such as magazines or books?

Yes, I have experience designing layouts for publications and can help create visually appealing and well-organized designs for magazines, books, and other printed materials.

Can you design packaging for products?

Yes, I can design packaging for various products, considering factors such as branding, product visibility, and regulatory requirements.

Can you design banners and advertisements for online campaigns?

Absolutely! I can design banners and advertisements tailored to your online marketing campaigns, ensuring they are visually compelling and aligned with your brand.

Can you assist with creating visual assets for presentations or pitch decks?

Yes, I can design visual assets, such as slides, charts, and diagrams, to enhance the effectiveness of your presentations or pitch decks.

Do you offer printing services or assistance with finding a reliable printer?

While I do not provide printing services directly, I can recommend trusted printers or assist with coordinating the printing process to ensure the best results for your projects.

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